Wednesday, June 23, 2004


phrases and sites i want to remember:
"Are there libraries out there offering RSS classes to their patrons? Are they attached to weblog classes?" (from: library stuff)


Tuesday, June 22, 2004

just for fun

i love this title "the lipstick librarian" and definitely want to check it out, what about the disabled lipstick librarian?

Monday, June 21, 2004

recovery related

feel very discouraged today, so want to mark where i am right now: walked last sunday, june 13th with the walker to vote in the european elections, this was only 300m one way but i had a hard time plus needed two days to recover! struggle to use the quad cane, feel neither optimistic nor enthusiastic today!

Friday, June 18, 2004

girls just wanna have fun

was alerted to this series "sisterchicks". there is also a web site,
i plan to read these books!

mission of this blog

i want to track my recovery and also gather useful information for disabled librarians plus mention what helped me and what might help others!

"Sometimes I blog because I have something to say on a topic, sometimes because I find a useful piece of information that I want to pass along, and sometimes I use this blog as a personal knowledgebase so I can find pertinent articles, blog entries or web pages at a later date" found this statement on
lawlibtech ,
one of the sites i track via rss and it expresses what i want to use this blog for!