Thursday, July 26, 2007

some pictures from the netherlands

I love the look of those houses, streets, villages:
this was posted on my favorite BB by a dutch friend:

I went on a boat trip today! My SIL came and collected me
early this morning and we all went to the boat, about an
hours drive. It's not a big boat, but nice enough to handle.
Even I went behind the wheel and steered for about an hour or more
YAY! How fun! Here are some pics. Unfortunately my batteries
were not good, so couldn't take too many [Frown]
Jeanette(Tiny's and my girlfriend), Jan(neighbour and owner) and Tiny (SIL)
Jan, me and Tiny
This is where the boat was docked.
In the next docking place where we had dinner.

It was really a lot of fun, and a very nice sunny day!
Not hot, just nice. And got sunburned on my back
and in my face, which is now sore.


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